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Gregory Highway's NTPEP Certificate of Compliance Renewed

February 5, 2021
Gregory Highway
Gregory Industries

The National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) has renewed Gregory Highway’s certificate of compliance for another year. This program has been great for the quality and consistency of our highway safety products in that it gives us one standard to adhere to for a majority of the United States. 

NTPEP compliance helps manufacturers be more accountable to the AASHTO M 180 standard rather than what was often required by individual State Departments of Transportation (DOT). Prior to NTPEP compliance, each state DOT had their own individual set of requirements. These variations made it challenging for the manufacturers to have a consistent method of product compliance. 

The NTPEP audit is very thorough, well thought out, and functioning because of the cohesive group of individuals at NTPEP working toward the same goal to unify all State Departments of Transportation to one very high standard of excellence.

Learn more about our safety standards, or request a quote to work with Gregory Highway today.